Custom Software Development Company

We focus on establishing efficient dedicated teams ready to make sure our custom software development company is the best partner for you.

Our Highlights

We joined the game in 2000 and by now have grown into the industry leader among software development companies delivering best of breed software solutions. For two decades we have been providing a wide range of top-notch development and QA services to our 200+ clients across various industries from all over the world. Our expertise covers all stages of the software development life cycle (SDLC), which includes concept design, architecture design, code development, quality assurance, support, and more.


in-house engineers


offices worldwide


QA specialists


users work with our software


personnel retention rate


multi-year contracts


What Our IT Company Can Do for You

Cloud Application Development

We can deliver a world-class cloud app in any cloud of your choice. Nevertheless, AWS and Azure have for long been top vendors for us. That is exactly why our company offers custom software development on AWS and Microsoft Azure.

Back-End Development

Our backend software development expertise is extensive and is based on a 20-year long story of successful backend deliveries. Our clients can choose from omnichannel backend development, API layer development, backend troubleshooting & optimization, post-production support, implementation of integration stubs, backend integration testing, etc.

Web Application Development

We're an award-winning web application development company. Make great use of our competencies in frontend development, Angular and React application development, and micro frontend implementation to enable your users to enjoy high-performing, reliable and easy-to-use software.

Mobile Application Development

The creation of mobile applications is another strength of our software development company. Contact us for trouble-free full-cycle software development of an iOS and Android or hybrid/cross-platform mobile app. You are going to like what you'll get.

QA Services

QA has always been given special attention at Qulix. To meet the testing needs of our clients we have employed 80+ testing engineers, half of which are experienced test automation experts. ISTQB certified experts are provided if needed.

UI/UX Design Services

With over 15 years in UI/UX design and a great dedicated team of UI, UX, and CX designers, we're a perfect match for those looking for catchy mobile/web design.

DevOps Services

Qulix is a software development company that employs Amazon and Azure certified professionals. Our talents are adept at streamlining complex projects to ensure the highly automated and 100% smooth delivery of digital solutions for you.

R&D Services

Opt for unique techniques, know-how, software development driven by machine learning, artificial intelligence, and big data, Internet of Things expertise, etc. by leveraging our R&D services.


Igor Sheverov

Chief Executive Officer, Partner

“We easily solve complex engineering tasks. Our talents are great at comprehensive systems with multiple interdependencies, tricky migrations, etc. If you're looking for a solid tech team, Qulix is a perfect match”.

Select Your Team


We enable the continuous development of engineering and soft skills within our company-based teams through trainings and seminars, a strong mentorship program, a clear career roadmap, and regular assessments.

We guarantee that Senior and Middle-level requirements are consistent with market standards.

Solution Architects
Back-End/Full-Stack Developers
Front-End Developers
Mobile Developers
DevOps Engineers
QA Engineers
Project Managers
System Analysts
UI/UX Designers
Business Analysts
Solution Architects
  • Design of secure, modifiable, extensible, and fault-tolerant software architecture
  • Assessing the system architecture currently in place and working with the technical staff to improve it
  • Assessing the business impact that certain technical choices have
  • Proven experience in high-load multi-component systems
  • Superior knowledge of back/front-end technologies, modeling methods, programming languages (C#, Scala, Java, etc.)
  • Technical mentoring, technical QA

Igor Sheverov

Chief Executive Officer, Partner

"Hiring a solution architect is feasible to create a complex system or to run the system audit on a regular basis and improve the software. We often recommend employing a part-time architect for the maximum efficiency."

Back-End/Full-Stack Developers
  • Proficient knowledge of back-end programming languages and frameworks
  • Understanding of front-end web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, etc.) or good experience in the essential front end (for full-stack guys)
  • Wide experience with databases, caching (Oracle, PostgreSQL, Redis, etc.)
  • Ability to design and develop integration APIs, experience with business process management tools
  • Hosting environment management (clouds, Linux, nginx, Apache, etc.)
  • Knowledge of accessibility and security compliance

Igor Sheverov

Chief Executive Officer, Partner

"There are development tasks that full-stack specialists can handle efficiently. Yet, for most cases, both back-end and front-end software development is required as it allows achieving more balanced teamplay and high performance, especially if your project team is a large one."

Front-End Developers
  • Implementation of the front layer of an application, participation in API design
  • Superior experience with front-end technologies and frameworks (JavaScript, CSS, LESS, React, etc.)
  • Experience with RESTful services and APIs
  • Responsive and mobile design, cross-browser development
  • Ability to work with content management systems (Umbraco, etc.)
  • Knowledge of microfrontends

Igor Sheverov

Chief Executive Officer, Partner

"We recommend hiring dedicated front-end developers for the software products requiring a dynamic and complex user web interface. Our front-end experts stand for quality and hands-on expertise, so we know pretty well how to deliver the best software solutions for our clients."

Mobile Developers
  • Good knowledge of Swift, Objective-C or Java & Kotlin
  • For cross-platform development — experience in React Native, Xamarin, etc.
  • Hands-on experience with mobile development SDKs and tools
  • Understanding of mobile platform design & deployment guidelines
  • Wish to optimize app performance and size, network traffic, etc.
  • Close collaboration with UI/UX designers
  • Good knowledge of APIs and software integration techniques
  • Good knowledge of offline apps, caching, etc.

Igor Sheverov

Chief Executive Officer, Partner

"Mobile development needs specific talents. The core advantage (and disadvantage) of a mobile app is that millions of users can install it. One can't compromise the reliability or user-friendliness of an app, as these directly affect the mobile app success."

DevOps Engineers
  • System build & deployment activities
  • System maintenance, hosting management
  • Implementation of CI/CD processes and their automation
  • Software monitoring and emergency response

Igor Sheverov

Chief Executive Officer, Partner

"We do our best to achieve ultimate automation of our development and software delivery processes, maintenance and software updates. Our DevOps experts can stay on the project as full-time members of your software development team or join as required."

QA Engineers
  • Understanding of how to break software
  • Test automation activities
  • Skills of deep-diving into software requirements
  • Thorough reporting and detailed analysis of cross-dependencies in software solutions

Igor Sheverov

Chief Executive Officer, Partner

"There's an opinion among some business leaders that software developers should test their code themselves. We do agree with this statement. However, a full test coverage, as well as efficient QA management are only possible when QA specialists are engaged."

Project Managers
  • General team management activities
  • Progress monitoring, team performance, KPIs, reporting
  • Delivery management (budget and timeline control)
  • Risk identification, development of mitigation strategies
  • Close collaboration with all project stakeholders

Igor Sheverov

Chief Executive Officer, Partner

"Employing a PM will show its best for large teams or in case the development process implies frequent meetings, detailed discussions, harmonizations, etc. to save the time and efforts of the engineers for their immediate duties. Sometimes, a tech lead or a leading analyst may assume the PM's duties."

System Analysts
  • Elaboration and specification of functional and non-functional requirements
  • Ample BA toolkit (role maps, use cases, context charts, decision trees, RTM, etc.)
  • Identification of integration points, specification of the integration part of business features (calls, etc.)
  • Deep understanding of UX design, close work with CX and UX designers, wireframing
  • Description of business processes and business logic
  • Understanding of software architecture (web/mobile app, client-server, etc.)

Igor Sheverov

Chief Executive Officer, Partner

"We advise taking a system analyst onboard in almost 100% of cases, even if you may think that all the details are clear and evident for rendering software development services. A system analyst is an investment that allows us to significantly improve communication processes and dramatically affects software quality. Often, hiring a SA is the crucial condition to deliver solutions on time."

UI/UX Designers
  • Customer experience design (CX)
  • UI flow design, navigation design (user journeys)
  • Logical page structure development
  • Excellent experience in prototyping systems (Figma, Photoshop, etc.)
  • Good understanding of system requirements, good knowledge of the engineering team's needs
  • Emotional bond between the business and its target audience

Igor Sheverov

Chief Executive Officer, Partner

"A good designer is not the one capable to do great visuals. The key skills of the UX/UI design master are system thinking, interface knowledge, and the ability to see design bottlenecks that can show up during the implementation stage."

Business Analysts
  • Subject matter experts for certain business domains
  • Multi-year business experience in the sphere

Igor Sheverov

Chief Executive Officer, Partner

"Qulix has a strong grasp of world-class technologies to build stunning Fintech and banking solutions. Contact us to hire our experts in the areas. If necessary, we can engage outside subject matter experts for a detailed consideration of the client's requirements."

Software Development: Industries and Categories


Alexander Arabey

Director of Business Development

We've been delivering custom software development services for many years and have accumulated niche expertise in a number of software solutions. I'm quite confident that the Qulix team will be 100-150% more efficient in these areas in comparison to development from scratch.

Banking & Fintech

  • E-banking software
  • Digital marketplace
  • Digital onboarding
  • Payment systems
  • Loans factory
  • E-invoicing
  • Factoring solutions development
  • Mobile wallet development
  • Personal finance management (PFM)


  • E-commerce implementation based on nopCommerce

Business Workflow Automation

  • Goods delivery automation
  • Business travel automation
  • E-procurement platform
  • Agents platform
  • Social care platform
  • Booking platform


  • Industrial telematic solutions
  • Car parking automation
  • Smart city
  • IoT marketing solutions

Media & Entertainment

  • Internet radio
  • Mediation & relaxing apps

Reach out for more on our achievements. We're eager to offer you our custom software development services to boost your performance, cut costs, enable digital transformation, or optimize processes.

Cooperation Models

We offer three different cooperation models for our clients. Choose the one that suits you best.


We will extend your team with a number of our own resources making them aligned with your existing processes, tools, and approaches. We have a special process that defines the onboarding method to make sure the team extension goes transparently and smoothly. Task management can be on your or on our side.


The additional efficiency of the development process is guaranteed through onboarding tightly-knit engineering teams where team members have worked together on a number of projects and are well aware of each other's strengths and weaknesses. Established internal engineering processes and know-how, alongside deep domain experience, can also bring significant value to your software solutions.

Development Center

We are ready to establish a fully-functional engineering center for you in case you need additional security, separate room space, special HRM/engineering processes, branding, or anything that will make your outsourced project feel like an in-house one. The option is available under special financial conditions and applies to large teams (30+ members).

Agile Process Framework

Our teams apply well-tested and efficient notions and practices of the best custom software development companies, combining Scrum, Kanban, or SAFe in their project activities.

Scrum and Kanban are our standard process frameworks. Generally, we form project teams of 5-8 players (a BA, an architect or a team lead, a PM, developers, testers). For such a scenario, Scrum and Kanban are perfect methodologies to ensure an efficient software development process.

For large-scale projects, especially for those involving product development services, we use the SAFe methodology. To apply SAFe in the right manner, we assign our certified SAFe managers to achieve the best results.

We use

sprints/iterations for delivery planning

daily/weekly standups

team discussions (project progress, bottlenecks, risks, etc.)

dashboards for progress monitoring

regular builds and streamlined CI/CD

For more valuable insights about our processes, follow How We Work and How We Deliver.

Corporate digital and physical security framework

Technical Expertise


.NET, .NET.Core, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET SignalR, ASP.NET Core, WPF, WCF, RabbitMQ, NHibernate, Entity Framework, Kentico, Orchard, Azure 


Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring XD, Spring Integration, Spring Security, Spring Cloud, Grails, JFX, JSF, Swagger, Hibernate, iBATIS, JasperReports, Alfresco, AWS, Liferay

Quality Assurance

Selenium, Appium, HP UFT, HP ALM, SmartBear TestComplete, Ranorex, Docker


Swift, Objective-C, Core Data, WatchKit, ARKit, Android SDK and NDK, Android Wear, AOSP, NFC, React Native, Ionic, Apache Core

Front End

Angular, React, Vue.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, jQuery, Kendo, Redux

DevOps and Cloud 

Amazon, Azure, Docker, Kubernetes, Zabbix, Octopus, SSH, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins

Advanced Technologies

Internet of Things

Own IoT platform, MQTT, CoAP, Lightweight M2M, XMPP, Mosquito, NB IoT, LoRaWan, BLE, RFID, NFC, Arduino, Raspberry Pi


RASA, Azure Cognitive / ML, Watson, TensorFlow, R, Accord.NET, H2O.AI, Microsoft CNTK, dmlc MXNET


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