Two owls wearing hats with feathers and handshaking after reaching agreement to outsource Angular development

Nov 2, 2022

9 min

Why Outsource Angular Development: The Ultimate Guide 2022

You've been hearing a lot about Angular lately. It's easy to learn, has a wide range of features, and is used by such industry giants as Google, Forbes, and Upwork. You can't wait to dive into this hot new field. But there are no qualified people on your team. You're thinking, "Should I outsource Angular development? What if there is a better technology than Angular, like the well-known React?"

It's so human to doubt everything, isn't it? To dispel all your concerns, we have prepared this guide. It'll cover everything you need to know about Angular and its perks for modern software development. Are you ready to dig in?

written by:

Sergey Bondarchuk

Front-End Architect

Angular 101: What It Is and How the Story Began

What Is It?

Angular is a powerful Typescript-based framework for building dynamic and responsive web and mobile applications. A myriad of developers around the world relies on it when creating user interfaces and single-page apps (SPAs). If you are curious about the number of people working with the Angular framework worldwide, there are a whopping 2.5 million users on GitHub alone.

When Did It All Start?

Let's dig a little deeper into history.

The Angular journey began in 2010, when Google introduced an open-source AngularJS framework based on JavaScript. But it is a mistake to assume that Angular is the same thing as its JavaScript-based sibling. Originally, it was supposed to serve as the second version of AngularJS. However, engineering decisions forced Google to release it as a separate framework in 2016.

Two angry owls standing and staring at reader with the text "We are siblings, not twins!"

How Many Angular Versions Have Been Around?

Since 2016, the world has seen multiple editions of Angular, appearing in 6-month intervals. In June 2022, the 14th version was released. And now developers are eagerly awaiting the release of version 15.

What Angular Can Do for You

If you're looking for a powerful and versatile web development framework, Angular is a great choice. It can help you create fast, responsive, and cutting-edge online applications. And it's not just for web development services — Angular is a viable solution for mobile, desktop, and even IoT development. So, what other games can you play with Angular?

Build PWAs and SPAs

Angular is powerful enough to develop both PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) and SPAs (Single-Page Apps).

  • A PWA is a web application designed to work and look like a native app. It can run offline, and users are free to add PWAs to their home screens without visiting an app store.
  • An SPA is a web application that loads a single HTML page and dynamically updates it as the user interacts with the app.

Big owl wearing t-shirt with the text "Angular" and two little owls saying "my dad's cool!" and "go daddy!"

Plus, Angular offers a comprehensive set of features, such as service workers and offline caching, that makes web apps even more resilient and user-friendly.

Enhance UI/UX Design

Lately, astonishing UI animations have become one of the ways to make your product stand out from the crowd and grow into a strong brand. Such an attractive and intuitive interface that provides a great UX helps product owners retain current users and win new ones.

For this purpose, you can (and should) use Angular. It's declarative and component-based, making it easy to build interactive and reusable user interface components. Angular's team has even created a separate module on their official library dedicated to animation.

Drawing of owl with the text "Ordinary UI" and image of real own with the text "Angular UI"

Create Software with MEAN and Other Stacks

What is MEAN? Just read the first letters in the following elements of one of the most powerful development stacks:

  • MongoDB;
  • Express.js;
  • Angular;
  • Node.js.

This stack has many benefits, but some of the most notable include its scalability, ability to handle large amounts of data, and speed of the software development process.

The following tech stack can be a suitable alternative to MEAN:

  • Angular;
  • NestJS;
  • TypeORM.

NestJS is written in the Angular paradigm, which is extremely convenient for full-stack developers. Whereas, TypeORM is a reliable helper for working with different types of databases.

Each of these stacks has its strengths and weaknesses, but regardless of which you choose, they both provide a top-notch platform for building scalable, robust web applications.

Develop Enterprise Web Apps

Large organizations such as government agencies, medical institutions, or business corporations are always in need of sophisticated software. Hence, Angular is considered a go-to solution for creating such complex projects as enterprise apps. And there are several reasons why.

For one, this framework is scalable, which means your product will be easy to adapt to a growing audience. Second, Angular is safe to work with as it ensures high security standards. Third, all of its components are reusable. And finally, its architecture is unified, which allows streamlining the development process.

Build Mobile Apps

In addition to web development, Angular is an excellent tool for building mobile software solutions. Using it, an Angular development company can create native apps that run directly on mobile devices or hybrid solutions that feel like native, but their code is supported both on iOS and Android platforms.

Two owls wearing gamer headphones and using their iOS and Android tablets

But that's not all. We've just scratched the surface of what Angular can do — there are endless variations of what you can build with this powerful framework. The key is to venture out and get started.

Why Choose Angular for Your Next Big Project

So, we’ve already figured out that Angular is wildly popular all over the globe. You can find it in entirely different fields — aviation, engineering, medicine, even on stock image galleries. To illustrate the reach, we have prepared an infographic about the world's leading companies that use Angular (not AngularJS) development services.

  • Microsoft Office;
  • Deutsche Bank;
  • Mixer;
  • Gmail;
  • Forbes;
  • Upwork;
  • PayPal;
  • Grasshopper;
  • Samsung;
  • Delta.

Owls standing with signs showing logos of famous companies

But what is so special about Angular technology that so many big-name enterprises use it? Here are some of its notable superpowers.

Safety Guaranteed by Google

Investments from large companies, a vast community, and a sound job market have helped Angular stand the test of time. Backed by Google, this framework is reliable and trusted among developers.

And besides, Google grants Angular Long-Term Support (LTS). This sheds light on the company's plans to continue investing in the framework and expand its ecosystem.

Simplicity of Typescript

We can call TypeScript a superscript compared to JavaScript frameworks. It can boast better refactoring services, autocompletion, and navigation. By allowing developers to debug their work while writing code for an Angular project, TypeScript guarantees optimal quality results and saves time in spotting and fixing possible errors.

Outstanding Community Support

One of the best things about Angular is its impressive community support. If you're new to this framework, you can find everything you need to get started on the official website. There you'll find extensive documentation, which is always kept up-to-date. And if you have questions, for example, about outsourcing Angular development services or mobile app development, just head over to the Angular forums or Stack Overflow. Basically, whatever you need, the friendly community will take care of you.

Owl using laptop and asking its Stack Overflow pals about Angular issue it has

Intuitive Testing

Along with Angular, developers get a complete set of tools for testing. This is a massive perk as you don't need additional software testers, services, or anything else. You got all innovative technology solutions at your fingertips. Developers don't have to reread the code multiple times to find some exotic bug. They can just run a few tests and see the number of errors decreasing, which means you don't lose your money either.


A modular development structure is an essential feature for any modern software technology. Angular is lucky to possess it. All of its components are reusable, and software engineers can replace them throughout the development process. What's more, a team can use generic components and write code at double the speed.

Another benefit closely related to modularity is the lazy loading feature. It makes all Angular solutions load and run much faster, requiring fewer resources. How does lazy loading work? It launches a module only after a user requests it (e.g., when navigating to a page containing that module).

Long-Term Support (LTS)

Every Angular developer knows that the Angular team regularly releases new versions of the framework. And while it’s great to have the latest features at hand, it can be a challenge to track the constant changes. This is where long-term support comes in. What is it?

Each Angular version is created backward-compatible. This makes life a lot easier for developers: they don’t have to constantly update their applications to keep up with the latest changes. This can save a lot of time and effort, as well as money, if you pay for a support contract.

Things are more complicated with React. There it is necessary to rewrite code or continue to support components built in the old style.

Big owl trying to wake little owl lying on bed with pillow and blanket

When to Outsource Angular Development Talents

"Right now!" will answer any Angular outsourcing team. But the right time varies depending on your company's needs and resources.

To help you make up your mind, we've put together a few general guidelines that you can follow to make an informed decision.

  • Lack of expertise. The most obvious reason to outsource a software project is that it can be a struggle to find expert Angular developers. Especially if you're not based in a major city like San Francisco, London, or New York. By outsourcing a team of software developers, you can tap into a broader pool of talent and find true professionals for your project.
  • Company budget. Compared to an in-house development team, Angular development outsourcing can be a cost-effective solution with the same benefits. Just be sure to shop around and compare rates before deciding. Bear in mind that Angular and AngularJS developers from Europe or Asia charge much less than their US counterparts. This can be a major advantage if you're on a tight budget.
  • Strict deadline. Simply pushing back deadlines is not an effective strategy for getting the desired results. Fortunately, Angular development outsourcing can save you time and help meet tight deadlines. When you outsource, a team of experts works on your project around the clock, freeing up your time, while you can focus on your core business and get things done on schedule.
  • Complex project. If your brainchild is an idea to create something majestic, which the world has never seen before (but must see), then the outsourcing team will definitely help you bring it to fruition. Implementing a complicated project requires extensive technical knowledge, out-of-the-box solutions, and a fresh perspective, which only skilled and qualified developers possess. Without these key qualities, you are unlikely to achieve incredible results.
  • Need for support and consulting. We are all professionals in our field. And when changing areas, we count on help from local experts. By outsourcing Angular development, you can get assistance from experienced developers who can provide support and advice when you ask for it. This can be invaluable when you're trying to stay on top of the latest changes and make sure your website or app runs smoothly.

How to Find the Right Angular Development Outsourcing Company?

Decided to turn to an outsourcing company after all? Good idea! All that remains is to determine which one you need.

It's simple. How do you see your ideal teammate? Odds are they have a good reputation, are reliable, and boast a proven track record. And above all, they should have in-depth knowledge of Angular development.

And here's a little bonus from our team — a mini-tutorial on how to hire Angular developers who will be worth their money.

Your Path to the Dream Team

Step 1.

Define your project scope and requirements.

Step 2.

Conduct research and identify potential vendors.

Step 3.

Request proposals and compare candidates.

Step 4.

Negotiate terms and conditions.

Step 5.

Make your decision and get down to business.

The Choice Is Yours

So, what do you think of Angular? The global community believes it is a great choice for outsourcing development projects. It's an efficient and reliable framework that can save you time and money. What's more, Angular is backed by Google and is constantly updated with new features and improvements.

If you've decided on Angular, but are not sure whether outsourcing is the right move for your company, just assess your needs. Do you have the internal resources to handle Angular development? Do you have experienced Angular developers on staff? If the answer to either of these questions is no, then outsourcing might be precisely the option you need.

There are many factors to consider when selecting a development partner for your Angular project. But when you choose Qulix, you can be confident that you'll get a team with the expertise, experience, and drive to make your project a success. Contact us today and let's create something legendary together!

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