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Search by category: Health & social care

Dec 7, 2017 4 min

IoT: Smart Pill And The Future Of Medicine

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration has recently approved a digital pill (‘Abilify MyCite’). written by: Antonina Ozerova Web and Mobile Development Manager, Qulix Systems The U.S. Food & Drug Administration has recently approved a digital pill (‘Abilify MyCite’). The sensor-enabled tablet sends a notification to the mobile app that it has been taken by…

Internet of Things in Medicine
Jul 5, 2016 4 min

E-health: Medicine meets the IoT

The term ‘e-health’ has become the latest buzzword. It is used to characterize the combination of technologies from two different areas: the Internet and medicine. It implies a usage of digital media with a key goal to enable more effective and easier medical attendance and treatment of patients. Due to the digital transformation health data is…

May 31, 2016 4 min

Wearables — the future of medical care

Smart watches and fitness bracelets are gaining in importance. In the next 5 years the popularity of wearables is forecasted to increase enormously, especially in the healthcare sector. By 2021 the global healthcare device shipment and revenue is expected to reach 98 million units.  written by: Anton Rykov Product Manager, Qulix Systems Smart watches and fitness…

May 3, 2016 5 min

Healthcare trends to change healthcare industry

The intensified regulatory and financial support is about to make healthcare smarter, cheaper and more effective. Healthcare providers strive to improve patients` access and experience, and adoption of high-end healthcare technologies is the best solution. We`ve rounded up to 5 trends that are about to change the healthcare industry.