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Dec 13, 2021 7 min

Corporate Banking Software: Types and Technologies

Banks are now actively investing in corporate banking solutions that help them cope with challenges and discover new opportunities. Digital transformation is a way to expand their customer base and improve the user experience through the use of modern technologies. They enhance commercial banking software, allowing financial institutions to cooperate with corporate customers more closely…

Aug 5, 2021 9 min

Fraud Detection: Machine Learning Guards Your Business

Today companies have not only to survive during pandemic times but also keep their wits above one to stand against various hacker attacks and fraudulent activities. Businesses worldwide lost $42 billion due to fraud, according to the PwC’s Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey 2020. To protect their revenues and confidential information, companies used rule–based…

Jul 26, 2021 9 min

AI Language Learning: Will Teachers Be Replaced with Robots?

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is a very significant advantage in the labor market today. According to the British Council, more than 1.5 billion people around the world are currently learning English. It provides a competitive edge and increases your professional value. By the way, being proficient in several languages opens wide job opportunities and sets…

Jun 18, 2021 9 min

Machine Learning in Education: Use Cases, Advantages and Pitfalls

Machine learning has been steadily penetrating our lives. This technology is widely used in various industries, such as telecommunications, e-commerce, marketing, healthcare, and so on. The global ML market size reached $8.43 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow to $117.19 billion by 2027, according to Fortune Business Insights. Today, we’re going to discuss…

Nov 6, 2020 8 min

Machine Learning Impact on Engineering: Robots are Coming

The terms Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence were first mentioned in the 1950s. However, engineers of those times could hardly imagine that the tools and technology facilitating engineering work could do exactly what they can do now. Our today’s article describes how intelligent machines capable of replicating the human brain affect the world of engineering,…