Search by category: Web development
Today, banks and credit unions seek to follow market requirements and customer expectations. That’s why they are actively implementing new technology solutions and digitizing their products and services, making them accessible to all categories of clients. Users appreciate the efficiency and mobility provided by technological features; however, 72% of people need a personalized customer experience….
The New York Stock Exchange, one of the leading stock exchanges in the world, reached an exciting equity market capitalization of over $28.4 trillion in September 2021. And the three followers in the race to success — the NASDAQ, the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the Euronext — are very close to the champion position. So,…
When asking about the most popular programming language, the answer is obvious. It’s JavaScript, which is used by almost 70% of developers. When it’s referred to the JavaScript frameworks, there is no striking leader. These tools are aimed at boosting and simplifying the development process, as well as increasing its effectiveness. In this article, we’ll…
Many great ideas have failed due to the lack of time. “If only we had more time…” is a common regret that follows broken dreams and lost hopes. There are a lot of variables to take into account, not to mention unexpected factors and challenges. So no wonder that the exceptional talent of software development…
Numerous apps and technologies surround us in everyday life. Checking the news, ordering food, buying tickets, meeting incredible people — thanks to mobile applications it has become much faster and easier to manage all these daily tasks. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected application users and pushed application development to a new level. So, what is application…