How We Ensure Quality

To ensure this, we keep compliant with the best global standards and receive respective certifications (OWASP, ISO 27001, ISO 9001).

Compliance with Global Standards

All activities are controlled and documented according to OWASP, ISO 27001, and ISO 9001.

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an international non-profit project. Being compliant with OWASP practices means for us ensuring the high quality of our product, which guarantees us long cooperation with our existing banking and finance clients and high prospects of attracting new ones.

We strictly follow the principles that form the core of the ISO suite of quality standards. They help us follow our path of continual improvement and add value to our services that our clients enjoy. The seven quality principles.

We keep compliant with systems and information security management requirements of ISO 27001.

Our clients know our commitment to keeping their data secure. For us, this is a matter of business relationship integrity rather than a marketing advantage.

Check How We Guarantee Security for more information.


Igor Sheverov

CEO at Qulix

“By now, our mature vision of the company’s success is in the success of our customers.”

More About Our Multi-Layer Approach to Quality

Code Coverage with Unit Tests

The code coverage threshold depends on a project. By default, we set it in the range of 0.5–0.7. For critical components, it can be increased up to 0.9–1.0.

The typical output of the development stage includes source code (with unit tests), build scripts (adopted for CI), brief development documentation, and release notes.

For artifacts maintenance, we use the Nexus binary repository manager. The source code documentation sufficiency is ensured by corresponding code style checker rules and regular manual code review.

QA Automation

We always try to remove the unnecessary human factor via automation of our QA activities at different steps of the general quality control process. We use automated unit tests, integration tests, user interface tests. Also, there are automated procedures for project & process control and measurement.

Escape to the QA Ratio Minimization Strategy

Established requirements analysis process

Ensures that all parties to the project share the same understanding of requirements.

Established change management process

Allows to identify the origin and manage the lifecycle of any changes in the codebase.

Automated code analysis and code style check

Done in conjunction with manual code review.

Unit testing with a high level of the code coverage rate

In addition, all escaped to QA defect fixes are supplemented with corresponding unit tests to prevent regression.

Increasing developers' responsibility and awareness

Achieved through defect metrics monitoring (escaped bugs, defect removal efficiency, etc.).

Best-of-Breed Quality Practices and Procedures

Qulix has institutionalized several best-of-breed quality practices and quality related procedures, such as:

Peer reviews

"Test-first" development approach

Regular project review meetings

Regular process audits and continuous improvement

Quantitative process measurement

We are ready to demonstrate our processes via webinar/screen sharing facilities. It may take from 30 to 60 min.

Established Test Execution Workflow

Each discipline includes a set of workflows. A workflow is a typical sequence of events when conducting the flow of work, expressed in terms of workflow details. A workflow detail is a grouping of activities that are done "together", presented with input and resulting artifacts.

Requirements Analysis

Process of requirements review for completeness, consistency, and testability

Test Activities Planning

Process of project test strategy, risk, and resources definition, creation of microplans (test activities scheduling)

Test Design

Process of creation of test design patterns, test scenarios, and test cases from software requirements, CRs, and results of defect analysis

Test Execution

General approach to system test execution that includes: defect and CR tracking and follow-up, execution of test cases manually or using automation tools, product quality evaluation and reporting.

Test Automation

Process of automation test scripts and suite implementation on the basis of developed test cases


Process of analysis of defined time period achievements for the purpose of best practices definition, planning of corrective actions, making re-estimations, and risk mitigation


Alexander Zhendinsky

QA Director

“You may contact me directly in case you need more details and explanations about our quality methodology. I can show you how it works or share the examples of documents. Together, we can talk through any and all of your concerns and needs.”

Best Quality Practices and Procedures

Code Analysis

SonarQube, Checkstyle, FindBugs

Automated Deployments

Depending on project specifics — shell scripts, standard build automation tools:

Gradle, Maven, Ant+Ivy, Docker & Ansible, etc.

Continuous Integration 

Jenkins, GitLab CI

Also, we have hands-on experience in Travis CI, CruiseControl & CruiseControl.NET.

Test Driven Development (TDD)

Our development process incorporates principles and best practices of TDD. However, TDD is not a de-facto practice at Qulix.